Prix Younique
6 - 26 June 2021
Galerie Younique 65 rue Pascal 75013 Paris
In partnership with Jeune Création, the Younique Prize aims to showcase and promote the emerging Latin American scene that takes part in the annual exhibition of Jeune Création, during the Latin American and Caribbean Week organized by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The winner will benefit from a personal exhibition within one year of the award.
The selection of the first edition of the Younique Prize is characterized by an assertive eclecticism, as the image of the countries of Latin America. The aesthetics of ruin (Estrella ESTEVEZ) and fragment (Alejandra MELIN LOPEZ) rub shoulders with that of identity (Gabriel MORAES AQUINO); while contrasting with more conceptual and minimalist works in material (Manoela MEDEIROS) and in color (Terencio GONZÁLEZ). This corpus of well-rooted, powerful and singular works marks with great freshness the beginning of this adventure.