The thought, (in)conscious activity of the human being, is the essential process of the activity of the philosopher. When we think, a synthesis of perceptions, images and concepts gives us a sometimes clear, sometimes tentative idea of the subject under consideration. But what happens when the subject of thought is thought itself? In his serie "Explorations métaphotographiques", León Cannock shows us through a philosophical research in photography, this key moment where the human being reflects on himself, on his behavior in front of the thought process, and the image that this experience could represent.
Galerie Younique is honoured to present Alejandro León Cannock’s first solo exhibition in France, after he obtained his PhD in research-creation at the Ecole nationale supérieure de la photographie d'Arles and Aix-Marseille University in January 2023. "This dialectic between creation and research, between practice and theory, between action and reflection, allows me to qualify my work as that of an art-based philosopher: the philosopher who works with, through, around, on, about the arts. Thus, as an art-based philosopher, I appeal to artistic practice as a means of thinking about the world.” This "Bureau de la pensée" is this space of exploration, research, creation and criticism, where the artist and the philosopher intermingle. León Cannock appropriates the exhibition space giving way to contemplation and/or performance in search of an aesthetic experience that opens the doors to infinite questioning.