Visions et Cosmos
"The beauty of the cosmos is given not only by unity in variety, but also by variety in unity".
The name of the rose - Umberto ECO
The beauty of man and nature has always been something mysterious, rare, almost as difficult to approach as to grasp.
Using ancient photographic techniques, two Peruvian photographers were interested in this quest for beauty: Majo Guerrero (cyanotype) and Javier Silva Meinel (orotone and silver print).
In the "Blue Matter" series, Majo Guerrero revisits NASA archive images and explores the cosmos while unveiling its mystery and infinity.
As for Javier Silva Meinel, he stages in a neo-surreal way (even fantastic) these characters of the Amazon met on the edge of the way of Iquitos.
The result is a series of different visions of man and his surroundings.
Even if the cosmos is a universe where the infinite is absolute, the multiplicity of points of view brings it closer to Men; and in particular to the Indians of the Amazon, in their cosmogony, and more specifically in their relation to nature.
Indeed, the metaphysical questioning and shamanic rituals of the Amazonians join the reality of the alien world where variety and unity are one.
Galerie Younique - October 2021